WHAT’S IN THE KIT | 100ml shoe cleaning solution |
Feature | microfiber towel |
Feature | three different bristle brushes for shoe treatment; soft for uppers |
Feature | medium for midsoles and hard for outsole. |
ALL-NATURAL SOLUTION | Made with coconut |
Feature | jojoba and other natural oils; SHOEGR Ultimate Sneaker solution cleans stains |
Feature | dirt |
Feature | dust |
Feature | etc from your shoes. Our 100 ml solution can clean upto 50-60 pairs of shoes. |
SAFE FOR MOST MATERIALS | Our Ultimate Cleaning Solution is safe to use on all colors & materials including mesh |
Feature | canvas |
Feature | suede |
Feature | nylon |
Feature | polyester |
Feature | cotton |
Feature | leather |
Feature | Nubuck |
Feature | Canvas |
Feature | Knit |
Feature | Multi-Material and more |
HOW TO USE | Pump 2-3 small squirts of SHOEGR cleaning solution in 200-250 ml of water. Dip the soft brush in the solution & use circular motions to clean the uppers. Use the medium brush for midsoles & the hard brush for the outsole. Finally |
Feature | dab the shoe with the microfiber towel to reveal clean shoes. |
MADE IN INDIA FOR INDIA | It endures the Indian streets. Be it typical Indian summer |
Feature | monsoon |
Feature | autumn or winter. Need not to worry about your Nubuck |
Feature | Canvas |
Feature | Knit |
Feature | Multi-Material & Suede. The Ultimate Sneaker Cleaning Kit has been tested on them all. |