Stainless steel Sharpness blades | The pet nail clippers are made out of high quality 4.0 mm thick stainless steel sharp blades |
Feature | it is powerful enough to trim your dogs or cats nails with just one cut |
Feature | these durable clippers won't bend |
Feature | scratch or rust |
Feature | and the blades still keep sharp even through many sessions on dog tough nails. |
Secure Grip Rubber Coated Non-Slip Handles | Ergonomic 'Easy-Grip' Handle Design with Extra-Long Non Slip Handles |
Feature | Perfect For Small & Large Hands. Simply grasp them normally as you apply pressure |
Feature | with no worries about slipping |
Feature | sliding or accidentally hurting your pet. |
Safety Lock Mechanism | You can close its locks when not in use for safety purposes. This mechanism enables these clippers to lock with its blades closed. This is a safety feature prevents accidental cuts and damage to the blades by other items kept together with. In order to keep it safe with curious kids |
Feature | you just need to squeeze the handle then slide its lock for safe positioning. |
Trims your dog's nails safely | Its semi-circular blades enable you to make safe and precise cuts. When your dog's nail rests in these blades |
Feature | you precisely see where you are cutting. No guesswork. It's design for medium and large dogs and cats such as collies |
Feature | bulldogs |
Feature | sheepdogs and spaniels |
Feature | and large dogs such as German shepherds |
Feature | golden retrievers |
Feature | rottweilers |
Feature | dalmatians |
Feature | great Danes and Irish setters. |
Feature | Safety guard prevents over-cutting:: Greatly reduce the risk of injury to your pets with the quick sensor safety guard which prevents over-cutting.It completely controls the nail in a safe range |
Feature | nasty pains or bleeding. |