FREE SIZE AND MULTIPLE USES | This Magic Gloves comes in FREE SIZE which means it fits almost all adults comfortably. It serves as multipurpose gloves. Its wide range of uses include Pet Grooming |
Feature | Dishwashing |
Feature | House Cleaning |
Feature | Fruits and Vegetables Washing |
Feature | Washing all kinds of Vehicles |
ANTI-SKID DESIGN | The anti-skid design inside the gloves provides great grip while washing dishes. As the material is thick |
Feature | and has anti-skid design inside |
Feature | helps you efficiently in cleaning work. |
TEMPERATUE RESISTANT AND HIGHLY FLEXIBLE | It makes washing dishes comfortable in colder weather or in cold water as it is temperature resistant. It is highly flexible that it doesn't restrict the movement of hands which helps washing dishes effectively. |
HEAT RESISTANT | Its heat resistance up to 160 degrees Celsius so it can be sterilized with boiling water or microwave ovens(2min). Can also be used to move hot dishes or to remove oven dishes from thr oven. It is made with heat resistant FDA-approved long-lasting Food Grade Silicone material. |
MATERIAL | Silicone is Rubber like material which is highly elastic and comes back to its original form when stretched. It is harmless to the human body and can be used without any worries. |