Contec CMS50N Finger Tip Pulse Oximeter with Auto Boot Feature (White & Blue)



Contec CMS50N Finger Tip Pulse Oximeter with Auto Boot Feature (White & Blue)

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Last Updated on : Sat Sep 25 06:30:18 IST 2021
(-71% OFF)

Rs. 1150

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Contec CMS50N Finger Tip Pulse Oximeter with Auto Boot Feature (White & Blue)Specifications:

Feature Auto boot after inserting finger
Feature Displays last test record after use
Feature Alarm & beep sound with flicker
Feature Perfusion index
Feature Adjustable brightness
Feature Automatic power on & off
Feature Low power indication
Feature auto rotation

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The latest price of Contec CMS50N Finger Tip Pulse Oximeter with Auto Boot Feature (White & Blue) at Amazon is ₹1150 and was last updated on Sat Sep 25 06:30:18 IST 2021

When you buy Contec CMS50N Finger Tip Pulse Oximeter with Auto Boot Feature (White & Blue) from Amazon via your effective price after Voucher Cash will be ₹1150 (*see Voucher Cash rates for details).
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