Tiara Abraham, 11, who entered college at the age of seven, released her album titled ‘Winter Nightingale‘, contains her renditions of some classic carols and holiday songs, sung in English, Spanish, Italian, German, Latin, and French.
“When I grow up, I want to be a soprano opera classical singer,” she said.
- 7-yr-old- live National Public Radio station interview and performance.
- 8-yr-old -several live TV performances.
- 9-yr-old – CARNEGIE HALL soloist – youngest vocal classical soloist to perform at Carnegie Hall.
- 9-yr-old – live TV performances.
- 10-yr-old – performed at fundraiser concert birthday party for her 10th birthday- received NO birthday gifts instead donated $1300 to charities.
- 10-yr-old – invited for American Protege Summer Gala Concert – Stern Auditorium -Carnegie Hall
- 10-yr-old – performer at the international venue (Sharjah International Children’s Reading Festival) – 1-hr long solo concert for three days.
- 10-yr-old – invited speaker at Sharjah International Children’s Reading Festival.
- 10-yr-old – invited & performer at TEDx event; live TV performances.
- 10-yr-old – ‘Winter Nightingale’ –DEBUT CD worldwide release – 9 songs in 6 languages -youngest multilingual recording artist.
- 11-yr-old – invited for international Phi Theta Kappa convention with 4000 attendees – National Anthem singer.
- 11-yr-old – invited performer on The Steve Harvey Show.
1. What is the best moment so far in all the progress you have made so far?
Singing at the historic and prestigious Stern Auditorium of Carnegie Hall and releasing my debut CD in 6 languages!
2. As you kept on achieving, the expectations from the world kept on increasing. Did you ever feel pressurized? Why or Why not?
No, I do not feel pressurized. If you do something that you enjoy to do, you will not feel pressurized. Since I enjoy all these things, it is fun for me.

3. What gave you inspiration for the ‘Winter Nightingale’?
My inspiration actually came from my fans of my voice and singing. After each performance, there will be listeners or audience asking for my CD or from where they can buy my CD or songs. When I said, I did not have one, they will be disappointed. So we were thinking about making it since last April after my visit to Sharjah. When I was in Sharjah, people came up to me and asked to sing some of their favorite songs, like Adele’s songs and other pop songs.
Since making a CD is very expensive my parents put it off. But due to repeated requests for my CD, we came up with a last minute idea to produce one and made a CD with winter and Christmas songs. I wanted my first album to be a Christmas/winter song CD since Christmas is my favorite holiday and my birthday also falls at that time. I am actually working on another CD, and I have some of the popular songs.
4. How is your next album being executed?
We are looking for funds or sponsors to produce my second CD. It is very expensive to produce and record a CD. Though the European foreign languages come easily to me and I find it easy to sing in them, my wish is to sing in Hindi and Malayalam. We watch lots of Bollywood movies and shows at home and I love some of the Bollywood songs and challenging myself to sing some of them for my future CD!
5. Do you think the traits of being successful are inherent in the family or it is accompanied by the hard work?
Both inherent and hard work. I think there will be some effect of the genes that you have! I come from a family of successful professionals but we all work hard. I think hard work is very important to achieve success. But when you enjoy doing something it will not feel like work. I love to be in the recording studio and I also love performing to live audience. Along with my inherent talent, I also work and study to make my talents better. It gives me so much happiness to see that so many enjoy my work.

6. Tell us about your educational background.
After KG in the traditional school, I was skipped a grade in the traditional school, went to 2nd grade. I joined charter homeschool from 2nd grade. I am 11 yr old, going to 7th grade in August but for Maths, I am skipped to 9th grade. I enjoy doing Maths so I am catching up to high school math.
4-yr-old- Mensa member (like brother joined at 4 yrs old)
7-yr-old – 1st on-campus college class
9-yr-old – youngest member of Phi Theta Kappa college honor society (like brother, joined at 9 yrs old but few months ahead!)
10-yr-old – won the Pi reciting competition at college
11-yr-old- currently finished 11 courses of 35 college semester units with a perfect 4.0 GPA in foreign languages ( Spanish, Italian, French, German & Music)
11-yr-old – won the Pi reciting competition at college- recited 530 digits in 4 min 30 secs.
7. What will be your message for the youth?
It is important to focus on things that you enjoy to do. Know your inborn talent and passion and you will have fun at school and work! Have a goal, work towards that but also have fun! It is important to have an education, so make sure to have a degree!