“Love yourself. You are love, yourself.”
Sepideh Roozdar, mostly known as Sepi is presently and poetically living in New York City. With love of artistic expression from an early age, she is sharing her poetry and illustrations with the world. Sepi’s writing is rooted in the harmony of oneness and seeking of universal truth. Her career as a high school science teacher gifts her with the unique opportunity of presenting the chemistry and physics of life in a philosophically relatable way. With an educational background in psychology and medical biology, along with a masters of arts in teaching, she infuses her work with deep insight as she carefully shines light to unify the physical, psychological and spiritual energies in the hearts of her readers.
Join Sepi on the path of love, self-discovery and unity consciousness on social media

What is “Magic I” all about
We all call ourselves “I” and, as “magic I,” we see the difference between “me,” as the mind and “myself,” as the heart. Recognizing the difference between the mind and the heart is what “magic I” is all about. In recognizing this, we may discover who we are and be the one we are.
How is it unique from any other book?
‘Magic I’ is uniquely written from the perspective of “I” and this is the point of unity consciousness. This is the point of living. By speaking from this universal point of view, everyone is able to relate. Young adults, children and adults unite to feel the message with various depths of understanding. I have designed the illustrations to be surrealistic so they display a dispelling of illusions on our imagery of the world. The book is playful in the rhythm of the rhyming and embedded in the imaginative vintage collages is the philosophical message of recognizing that we are one. Self-love and empathy is the heart of ‘magic I.’
Why do you think self discovery is something really important in today’s world and how does it affect ones financial condition, something which everyone is worried about today.
In today’s world, the illusory realm we co-create with our minds, we believe that living is a constant doing. We are led to believe that we are to become “more than, better than, or different than the rest” and this notion leads to unrest. In this constant motion, we lose sight of the truth of being: “there is nothing to do, to be who I am.” These are quotes from ‘magic I’ that intend to reveal the meaning of our existence – that we may do our best with best intentions, while being aware of the way the mind may wander with insecure thoughts of inadequacies and comparisons with “others.” As soon as we are aware of these thoughts, of who we are not, the mind is clear and true centeredness is here to stay, is here to be. Self-discovery is a conviction that who you are is unchanging and ever-present. To explore and experience our essence and true self is our purpose in life.

What have you discovered about yourself which has actually given you the push to help others discover themselves?
I discovered that who I am has always been here, is here now, and will always be here. Self-discovery is the only path that has led to peace and authentic joy, in my experience. In an ever-changing world, this is the only truth I know – and the truth is what I love to share with everyone.
What else are your poetries and quotes about?
Oneness, existence, peace, truth, empathy and love is the heart of my writing.
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“Billions of stars and we are all wishing on one!” how do these thoughts come to your mind and how do you find such a perfect metaphor or simile to jot them down?
Thank you for your kind and humbling words. I meditate and reflect in the peace of my aloneness and the words come when the mind is clear. I also work as a high school physics teacher and I commute to work, so the time that I’m driving is also a sweet opportunity to reflect on my writing and feel the creativity flow. As a science teacher, I love revealing the parallels of the micro- and macrocosms. The orbiting of electrons around a central nucleus and planets around the sun, is one of many examples that make me smile. I love sharing these insights and watching my students smile with me.
What are your views on one sided love……Someone has strong feelings for another one but is not being loved back?
I may only speak from my own experiences – that the mind may easily fall into the trappings of illusions, and different types of unrequited love are simply forms of self-deception. These types of resistances and turbulences are sometimes necessary opportunities to turn inward towards our own light. It was only when I had the courage to leave the presence of a dark relationship that I recognized who I am on my own, as love.

How would you metaphorically describe the above situation?
The following poem is one that I’ve performed and will be sharing in my next book, which I am currently writing. I feel that it metaphorically centers on self-love in a simple story-telling way.
deep in the eyes of the beggar on treasure
desire is burning and longing to fly.
sitting on treasure
she doesn’t know better,
the treasure she’s seeking
is not in the sky.
and as her eyes wander
two empty hands
of each other,
they look and they wonder
as they pass her by.
the beggar on treasure
is here as reminder
the gem we are seeking
we are,
every I.
Your message to all youngsters who want to follow your path !
As a teacher and writer, I would encourage all youngsters who want to follow my path to follow their own path. Everybody experiences unique experiences in precisely the way that it is meant to be and no two paths are identical, although the center-point is the same – to discover ‘magic I’ as the true self. I am honored to be a guiding light for those who wish to discover their own light. I will continue sharing my journey of self-discovery on social media as @sepinfinity and touring of my book ‘magic I’ to hearts in many cities, and the new books that arise along the way.