“When you have a dream that you can’t let go of, trust your instincts and pursue it. But remember: Real dreams take work, They take patience, and sometimes they require you to dig down very deep. Be sure you’re willing to do that.”
Today we have with us Sanmeet kaur, a very talented and enthusiastic aspiring Singer in the house of Student Stories. Sanmeet is a 25 years old Singer from Hazaribag ,Jharkhand who dreams to become a playback singer. Fond of singing since childhood Sanmeet never thought life would turn out this way to her. After completing her education from St Xaviers School this aspiring singer had to drop her plans and dreams due to poor financial conditions and to support her family she decided to do a Government job in Allahabad Bank just after completing her secondary education.
Sanmeet , a girl from small city in Jharkhand says she doesn’t see any future of her big dreams in such a small city. She still dreams of fulfilling her dreams and wants to become a successful play back Singer. Overburdened by the circumstances and financial needs of her family Sanmeet still finds time to practice for her singing and keeps the passion alive.
So let’s start with her story here in Student Story Office:
1. When did you discovered a singer in you ?
I used to sing from school time but did not had any training then, my family’s financial condition was not so good so, I preferred doing a job against the dream of going for singing but after my job I realized I should learn and practice more. So, I learnt classical for about 7-8 months but could not continue learning due to some problems. So now I practice by myself by listening to songs and through Riyaaz .
2. Who inspired you to become an singer?
My dreams of becoming a playback singer inspired me to become a singer. I knew from the very beginning that I had that quality and spark to become a singer. This passion led me on, I never wanted to settle for less and this is the reason I am still pursuing singing. I hope one day I succeed and get a chance to sing as a playback Bollywood singer.
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3. What genre of songs you prefer most and why ?
I love to hear soothing and slow songs. The genre that I prefer is soft songs because it matches with my personality and that is how I want my music to be . I understand the fact that every Artist out there has his own taste and style but performing soft and soulful songs is mine. That completeness and Therav in slow songs suits me a lot and is also one of my strengths.
4. Who all were your motivation and pillars in your difficult time?
My parents who supported me always were the pillars of my support in the bad days. They were there for me when nobody was there. They supported me constantly in every good and bad hour. I feel one can succeed in every difficult hour but if the support of family is there, then the times just smooth out and you get the energy to face everything and anything.
5. What is Sanmeet’s key to success ?
My key to success is practice and do it with all my heart. Nothing is impossible even the word itself says I M POSSIBLE . Move forward with confidence that you can do it ,success will surely kiss your feet. Always remain optimistic and never accept failure as the end, always bounce back hard. I don’t think quitting is an option when you love something so much that you can’t pass even one day thinking without it.

6. What all are you long term goals? What you aspire to become and what all are you doing for that ?
I wish to become a playback singer and even though there is not much scope in my town as it is a small town, I keep practicing and moving forward in hope of achieving my dreams. I always come across as a dreamer to all those who meet me, this keeps me motivated and gives me the energy to carry forward. Positive attitude is my armour againt every obstacle.