Rubina Subhani is a 21 year old- DOODLE EXPERT from Goa. She is a final year Medical Student pursuing Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery degree from Shri Kamaxidevi Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Shiroda Goa. She did her schooling from St. Francis Xavier High School and St. Xavier’s Higher Secondary School and College, Mapusa, Goa. “Doctor by profession, but Artist by Passion.” Besides being an excellent academic student, Rubina always had a flair for drawing and doodling but due to her very busy college schedule, she was unable to give the required time to her passion. But this year she decided to take up doodling more seriously and has already become a popular Doodle Artist on Social Media. She loves doodling and modern doddle sketch. She only draws with black pen and haven’t worked with colors yet. She wants to make this passion as her half time profession once she becomes a successful Doctor next year.

In a conversation with Rubina :
1. Rubina, we would like you to explain us what doodle art means? Where was the first time you witnessed it and why did it catch your attention?
Doodle art is nothing but a visual mirror of the idea process, and at the end you have a concrete visual record of the whole thing. It’s like starting from a random line with no specific meaning and turning it into a picture. First time I had seen this form of Art in a cafe when I was in high school, back then I didn’t even realized what it was ! My first doodle Art was for the cover page of VFest 2015. They wanted something different for their cover page. I just started drawing randomly and when I completed it, my friend told it’s a Doodle art. It caught my attention because doodling is open-ended, you don’t even know how your final drawing will turn out to be and you just keep drawing, it actually starts in one direction but takes a whole new direction during the process.
2. How much time it takes for doodle art specimen to get completed? What are the finishing touches one needs to take care of in this art style?
Time depends on the person, how much time he is willing to invest in doodling and what kind of Doodle he is drawing. There is something called Modern Doodle Art. Here a person needs to very patient enough to see the final art piece. It could be a portrait of a person with all doodle designs in it. One needs to take care of the finishing touches here as the whole concept of Doodle is connected with every design of it and interlinked so that it looks presentable.

3. What are you views in context of taking this hobby of yours as a profession?
First it started with a hobby, basically a time killer in my boring lectures after I knew what was doodling. Yes, I want to take it to a professional level because people just know the word doodling, they actually need to understand what It is. They have no idea how one can do wonders if he knows perfect doodling. It’s concrete and visual, it gives feedback to yourself as you are working and communicates well with others. It provides a map of ideas and possibilities and a practical discussion document.
4. Who is your biggest inspiration in this artwork? Which quality of him influences you the most?
My biggest inspiration is Ms. Eaton Phileonia. Only after coming across his doodle art specimens, I got to know to what extent doodling can go to. After checking his art works I started practicing more precisely and got good results. I got to know it’s really a patience tester and needs a lot of dedication. His amazing quality of turning anybody’s portrait or any picture may it be a human or an animal into Doodle Art form is just outstanding and inspiring.
Also read MAGICAL! Her Paintings Will Leave You Spellbound! The Story Of a 17 Year Old Artist | Mansi Yaduka
5. What are you other hobbies besides doodling?
Besides doodling my other hobbies include modelling. But now I’ve stopped it because being a medical student and managing time is pretty difficult. Also, I love exploring new places. I’m very adventurous and a solo traveler. I have traveled to many parts of India sometimes alone and at times with my partner. I also love paper cutting and gardening at home. I do gardening in my own garden and I feel very happy about it. I love being an old school Human.

6. We have seen your artwork, they are just masterpieces ! Rubina, how do you decide what to draw?
I don’t actually decide what I’ve to draw. It is just some random and spontaneous idea and I sit with a pen and paper and start drawing. Any time of the day or night. I’ll never say no to drawing. But one needs to have at least a rough idea about the whole doodle otherwise it’s just like wasting your time scribbling and you don’t even know what you’re drawing.
7. What are your future plans regarding doodling and how many art galleries have you been featured in?
Once I become more perfect in DOODLING I would be organizing live doodle stage performances across India to popularize the art. No, I haven’t been featured in any art gallery yet because I started my work some two-three months ago and I still need to better my art. I’m looking forward to showcase my artworks in an art gallery soon probably in the coming year.

8.What will you suggest to the upcoming artists in this field?
People don’t know much about doodling. One just needs to have enough patience and dedication matters at the end of the day. I just want to say “Always follow your passion no matter in which profession you are. And if you know that you have some talent in yourself, then show it to the world”. It doesn’t make any sense if you keep it to yourself. Just keep going with the good work. Take it slow, small steps everyday and dream big when you know you can achieve it. Education and then passion. Keep going and you’ll see the results on the way and let people see the uniqueness of Modern Doodle Art.