Mr. Rohan Khurana is an actor and he really inspires all the people who want to become an actor in a way or the other. He has worked with Filtercopy and has a lot of experience in the acting world. He wants to become a topmost actor and prove that he is the best. He is really motivated to work hard and works 24/7 to reach his goals. He is really focused and has a lot of clarity of what he wants to do in life.
Rohan believes that everyone should follow their passions or else in the end we all are fools chasing happiness. He thinks that Indians should be more acceptable towards change and should respect and appreciate those who help bring the change that is beneficial to all. He wants to make a mark in the acting industry and wants all to appreciate and remember him for his work.
For more of his views, tune in the interview below-

In Conversation with Rohan,
Tell us about your profession.
I am an actor. I have done a lot of short advertisements and videos with FilterCopy. I have done a lot of shoots and I am really passionate about my dreams and goals. I really want to get out there and do great movies.
Do you think it is easy to break the stereotypes and do what you love?
No, it is not. But it is important to, because if you do not do what you love, you are not going to be happy. And at the end, aren’t we all the fools chasing happiness!
Do you think that India’s thoughts about art and artists should change?
They should not change. The thoughts should become more progressive. They should favor change, accept change. Indian audience should start thinking of acting as a career and they should motivate their children to become an actor if they are really talented and interested in the acting industry.

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Where do you plan to reach in future?
To give a simple and straight forward answer, I want to reach to the top. I want to make a mark in history.
What would be your message to the young actors out there?
To act is to be. It is a full time job, 24/7- 365 days a year. Do it only if you are passionate about it.
Connect and watch videos of Rohan here-