“Photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something extraordinary at an ordinary place” says Rabin Ghosh.
Rabin Ghosh who is 25 years old is one of the High-end Candid & Destination Wedding Photographer based out of Kolkata, providing his services throughout India, be it in a luxurious ambience of a Five Star property, exotic location at a secluded beach or may be your ancestral home in the countryside. Photography is not just a passion but a way of life for him, which reflects his style of Wedding photography. Rabin’s photography -his company deals in fashion photography, wedding profiles, portfolio, products and believes in bringing out perfection in every photograph they take. He has come a long way in all these years and now he is working day and night with his team to ensure that his dream of becoming the Top Photographer in Kolkata becomes true. We surely want to know about this amazing photographer.

Lets get into some “photography talks” with Rabin:
1. How did you develop an interest in photography?
To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. The interest in photography has grown in me since a very young age. Every beautiful thing I see or everything that happens around me, attracts me and I feel like capturing them in my frame.
2. Do you have any formal training?
At the age of 20, I decided to move to Kolkata where I got into some serious commercial photography and also earned a degree in 3D animation & VFX. At the age of 23, I started working with some great photographers in Kolkata for a year. I got my first break with Mahindra first choice in Kolkata at the age of twenty-two. I started to work in a magazine In the year 2016 and after some experience, I started my own business in commercial and Fashion Photography for the local but high profile clients who otherwise had to hire photographers from other regions. During this period I also gained some experience in wedding and event photography and immersed myself completely into them along with fashion Photography. So, right now I am into all these different categories of photography and I am really enjoying my work.

3. What do you enjoy the most about your work?
I like working with people, telling stories and creating a character in my photographs. While I am taking care of regional clients, I keep working on various National and International assignments. I am always offering turnkey solutions to the clients anywhere in the world. I feel blessed to have achieved so much in such a less time and I still feel that my journey has just begun. The most aspect of one’s work is that you should enjoy it every day and it should excite you much otherwise it’s not at all worth putting in the efforts and energy in it.
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4. Whose work has influenced you the most?
I have many favorites among whom the works of RaghuRai, Amit Khanna and Dabbu Ratnani have influenced me the most.They all have different style of photography and all of them are such great artists. I just love watching their detailed work and the precision with which they work. Their portraits and stills are so amazing and you can learn so much from them by just studying their work.
5. What kind of photography do you mostly indulge yourself in?
You cannot restrict a photographer in a particular field but yes, everyone has their favorite and so do I. For me, its fashion and wedding photography. I mostly do these two kinds of photography as I have a keen interest and love for them. Other categories are also very challenging and exciting but there is always a different kind of rush and excitement that I feel in my blood and nerves when I ma shooting for weddings and fashion. The clients for them are totally different; their taste is different and that also keeps me going there again and again.

6. What is photography for you – a passion or a profession?
For me its both, without passion a photographer can never capture every minute details. Because its not just the grand weddings and heavy decorations that there is beauty hidden but beauty is hidden in every small thing and only a passionate person can capture it in a frame. And obviously photography is also a profession for me. I don’t just do photography to earn my bread and butter but also teach photography to other students and presently I have 50+ students both from India and abroad.

7. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years ?
After 5 years, I would like to see myself as the Top Commercial Photographer in Kolkata. This has always been my dream when I started with my degree in 3D Animation and VFX and then got to try my hands with some serious work. I have so much to offer to this industry and I ma learning every single day and I want to give my maximum contribution in this field. I always have this dream of doing some great work in photography which nobody else has done before.

8. What is your biggest achievement till date ?
I have my two favorites which I will always cherish and take inspiration from and they are : “Best Services & Excellence Award 2017″ for “Best Event Photographer in East India” from Mahindra First Choice and MBM Enterprises Brand Excellence Awards-2017 as a “Best Commercial Photographer in Kolkata.”
9.Which camera do you use for photography ?
I use Nikon D7000 as I believe that amazing photography isn’t only about what you shoot and how you shoot it, it’s also about what you shoot it with. The high resolution, multi-featured Nikon D7000 gives you 16.2 megapixels of vividly detailed images, a more sensitive DX-format CMOS sensor that delivers high ISO with low noise, plus various automatic and customizable settings to take your pictures and videos from great to gorgeous. You can shoot up to 6 fps or record every second of the action with full HD 1080p D-Movies with Nikon’s advanced auto focus system to impress and inspire.

10. What message you would like to give to the young and aspiring photographers ?
“If you’re young and have the time, go and study. Study anthropology, sociology, economy, geopolitics. Study so that you’re actually able to understand what you’re photographing. What you can photograph and what you should photograph.”-says Rabin Ghosh.
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