Rashi Anand is a social activist who is engaged in taking measures to uplift the underprivileged people. With this objective and in association with her mother she has established an NGO in 2005 known as Lakshyam for children welfare, education, health, and empowerment of women. She is among the youngest entrepreneurs and NGO owners of the nation.
1. What gave you the idea to start “Lakshyam”?
2. Most heartwarming story related to your NGO that you have experienced?

3. What were the difficulties you initially faced?
Mothers were not keen to send their children to school. Instead, they wanted them to beg as that would be supportive to the family. Children were given drugs by their parents so that they don’t feel hungry or during winters so that they don’t feel cold. To maintain, continuity of involvement from children was another task.
Though I don’t care about other person’s faith in me as such but at a young age even when asked for support, very few lent their support. There was a lack of trust and willingness to work with me.
4. How does it feel to see such a positive response from the world?
5. What are your future plans with “Lakshyam”?
6. A brief description in your words about “Lakshyam”?