“Where there is a will there is a way.”
This young lad, Gopal Jee is the living example of the above quote. It all takes effort, determination and will to innovate or look at the greener side of life. When one has inborn innovative skills, he or she can be scientifically liberated even when they don’t become scientists or engineers by profession. Meet Gopal aka Gopal G as he is fondly called by his villagers and have a look at the work he has done which inspires, stimulates innovation and encourages being patient during all his experiments. With a traction that makes people’s life better by connecting them to the need of the hour, here we have Gopal G telling us more about his journey so far.

In a conversation with Gopal G :
1) We are very glad to have you on board. Can we know more about you ?
I am Gopal from Bhagalpur, Bihar. I am 17 years old. My father, Mr. Premranjan Kumar is a farmer ( banana planter and trader). I am studying in class 12th at Model High School, Bhagalpur. I love innovating and experimenting with all the natural resources that I can find around myself and due to this zeal of mine I have done some crazy yet successful experiments.
2) How did the idea of generating electricity from a banana stem striked your mind ?
“My village, Naugachiya is famous for banana plantations” says, Gopal G. When I was eight years old a severe flood hit our village and most of the plantations were damaged. I thought of generating some productive things out of the waste. When my shirt got stained by banana stem juice it was not easy to remove. I faced a similar situation in my school lab where my shirt got stained by some acid. That’s when I realized that banana juice has acidic properties and that can be utilized for something better and bigger.
3) How does the device work ?
It works on the principle of electrolysis. The system uses two electrodes one copper and one zinc and i have connected them to two lengths of banana stem measuring a length of one foot each. It works similar to a battery. Bio energy in banana stem is converted into electrical energy using electrodes. It generates three volts of electricity which could continuously light an LED bulb for three hours.

4) Tell us about your teachings to the villagers about the Bio Cell. How do they receive and implement it ?
I taught them about the system, its benefits and non harmful effects in a very simple manner. They were very unsure about the idea at first. But gradually they started using it all by themselves and now we have 24 hours free electricity. There is no place in India by far where you have 24 hours of free electricity but here we are simple villagers leading simple and better lives.
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5) What is the reason behind coining the term “Gel Cell” ?
I call it “Gel Cell” as it does not use liquid in its pure form. In a village where there is a 12-14 hours of power cut this innovation is a boon for all of us and I am very happy I could create something like this.
6) Highlight on The Inspire Award 2016 you won.
My principal forwarded my idea to DSIT, Patna. Government granted me 5000 rupees to prepare a working model and present it in the Inspire Award exhibition at the district level. I got selected in district, state and even at the national level. It was indeed a very happy and blessed moment for me and my family as something has never been achieved by anybody in our village.

7) What advice would you like to give to students across the nation ?
Education is much more than just remembering things, giving exams and then forgetting after a few weeks. Make your life more productive for yourself, family, society and the nation. If we all start thinking out of the box and start creating something that can be used by everyone else then we can surely reduce our dependence on the non-natural resources and has can save mother Earth from various calamities.
You can connect with Gopal G here:
Gopal G Facebook