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This Story Will Change Your Life! See How Her Illustrations Saved A Girl’s Life | A Doodle Maker And A Cartoonist


Neha Sharma, very well known for her Doodles, Comics and also as an Illustrator. Neha’s Doodles is popularized as Noodles. She decided to move with the career path she likes! Skipped C.A. for becoming an Illustrator and to establish Noodles.
Neha’s way of making doodles is unprecedented and indeed groundbreaking. She has also worked with renowned brands like Nivea, Motorola, Hike to count a few.

Neha says, “Making comics and doodles is not only a hobby and a career for me, it’s more like a lifestyle.”


In conversation with Neha Sharma:

1. When did you start working with doodles? Like When did “Noodles” come into existence?

I have been doodling ever since I was in school but Noodles, short for Neha Doodles came into existence in February 2014 when I made an official Facebook Page for it.


2.What made you interested to move in the field of Doodle Making and Computer Graphics?

Procrastination. I was pursuing Chartered Accountancy and while I was supposed to be studying, I used to procrastinate and read blogs by a few Indonesian illustrators. Watching and reading about their work made me curious as to how did they draw digitally. One YouTube tutorial led to another and I started doing it myself.


3. What type of work have you done for the brands Nivea, Motorola, to count a few?

I do digital art (which includes logos, branding, on-site illustrations, web comics, book covers and illustrations for publications and events), handmade traditional art and social media influencing for brands with value content in the form of my illustrations of course. I made digital illustrations for a Valentine’s Day campaign by Nivea this year. For Motorola, I did reviews and promotions for their latest phone. I have also worked with brands like Pet Fed, Tinkle, The Body Shop, Hike, Roposo to name some more.


4.How were you able to switch your career from CA to the famous Illustrator?

By being patient. Both with the career and with my family. In terms of career, I knew this would take time before I could earn enough to pay my bills and in terms of my family it’s still a work in progress. Illustration is a fresh career in India and it’s tough to explain what exactly I do to people.


5. Where do you get hints/ideas for doodles?

From my daily life, from Badshah and Honey Singh songs, from how our house help speaks, basically from anything and everything. Making comics and doodles is not only a hobby and a career for me, it’s more like a lifestyle.


6. Which one is your favorite Doodle till now? What is different in it?

My latest doodle is always my favorite. Whenever I get a new idea I always feel it is the best I have ever had.


7. Other than being an Artist what are you interested in?

Technology fascinates me. So when I am not drawing or doodling, I am reading reviews about the latest products or I am trying to learn a new software. Other than that, I am really curious as to how photography works.

8. What all are your Accomplishments in this field?

I think my accomplishments will be connecting with a lot of like-minded people and having an audience that I can talk to about. My work has been featured in a lot of online portals, newspapers and magazines but it doesn’t give me half the joy than what reading DMs by my followers does. One of my followers was suffering from a life-threatening disease. Once she fought like a warrior and came out of it. She sent me a package with a few goodies which included a T-shirt that said “I saved a life”. She wrote a letter explaining that when she was fighting the disease she used to read my comics and that would give her positivity and the strength to fight each day. This was my BIGGEST accomplishment.

Also read “Secrets of the hyper-realistic 3-D drawings that will leave you stunned: By 21 year old, Sushant Sushil Rane

9. What do you Aim for in the coming years?

I have a few things up my sleeve. A few projects that I am excited about. I’ll announce when the time is right. Another personal project that I am working on is longer comics. Comics that will tell a more detailed story.


10. Tell us about your thought process while making a doodle. What are the phases?

Idea. Deciding a punch line. And conceptualizing characters. That’s it. Post this, I just start drawing.


Neha’s facebook page Noodle’s Neha’s Doodles