“This Fifth Edition of KIIT International Model UN 2017, is being regarded as one of the largest Model UN Conferences across the globe. After having declared as Asia’s Largest International Model United Nations, it is now attracting delegates from all across the country and globe.” – says the founder of KIIT & KISS Dr. Achyuta Samanta
The fifth edition of the flagship event of KIIT University, KIIT International Model United Nations, is scheduled to be held from October 27 to 29, 2017. KIITMUN 2016 had been of the largest MUNs hosted in the World. With more than twenty international collaborations in the past, KIIT International MUN 2017 looks forward to a quality participation in the conference of 2017, with 18 committees hosted by the most experienced Executive Board members. Exhilarating debates and tremendous research is what constitutes the three day event, along with something to look forward to at the end of each day. With cultural events by the students, stand-up comedy by one of the most popular standup comedians – KENNY SEBASTIAN, and networking dinners KIIT International MUN is going to be a grand event everyone is looking forward to. KIITMUN has global partners as Rome MUN, TEIMUN , sponsors as Management Paradise.com, World Vision India, Naturals, India Times, Paisawapas.com, Student Stories, MensXP, Canon and more.

1. ICSOS – International Conglomeration on Security of Syria
ICSOS will be the flagship committee (meeting) this year at KIIT International MUN, which will be simulated in form of a closed room conference, held with the permission of Syrian government and its respected authorities, where all the participants must expect rigid negotiations amidst each other until the very end of the conference.
2. UNSC – United Nations Security Council
United Nations Security Council is one of the six principle organs of the United Nations whose primary objective is- maintenance of international peace and security as well as addition of new members to UN and, also any modification to the UN charter.The Security Council consists of 15 members of which 5 are permanent and the rest 10 have non-permanent status.
4. UNSC CTC – United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee
AGENDA : Challenges in countering terrorism in North Africa with special emphasis on Sudan and Libya. Follow up of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2322: Enhancing international judicial and law enforcement co-operation in countering terrorism.
5. UNGA LEGAL – United Nations General Assembly- Legal
AGENDA: 1) The United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law 2) Drafting of a Convention on climate change post Paris Agreement
6. NPT – The Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty
7. NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
8. UNCOPUOS – United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
AGENDA: 1. International Mechanisms for Exploration, Exploitation and Utilization of the Outer Space Resources.
2. Long Term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities.
9. IMO – International Maritime Organisation
10. UNCSW – United Nations Commission on Status of Women
AGENDA: The empowerment of indigenous women
11. UNHRC – United Nations Human Rights Council
AGENDA: Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism
12. ECOSOC – Economic and Social Council
AGENDA: Reviewing the Addis Ababa agenda on Financing for Development
13. UNGA SPECPOL -UN General Assembly- Special Political and Decolonization Committee
AGENDA: 1. Comprehensive review of the Special Political Missions with a special focus on:
a. United Nations Support Mission for Libya;
b. United Nations Special Coordination Efforts in Lebanon;
c. United Nations Special Coordination Efforts for the Middle Eastern Peace Process.
2. The Political Situation in Israel-Palestine territory.
14. WHA – World Health Assembly
AGENDA : 1.Addressing the health objectives of agenda 21.
15. UNFCCC – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
AGENDA: 1. Land Use and Climate Change, with emphasis on REDD+ activities.
2. Review of Green Climate Fund and the issue of Long term climate finance
16. UNGA DISEC -United Nations General Assembly – Disarmament and International Security
AGENDA: The necessity of military aid with special emphasis on the proliferation of weapons in East Asia.
17. UNGA SOCHUM – United Nations General Assembly – Social, Humanitarian and Cultural
AGENDA: Promotion and protection of human rights
(a) implementation of human rights instruments;
(b) Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms;
(C) Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action.”
18. IP – International Press
The International Press represents the understanding, as well as the interests of the commoner in the council. The role of the press is acknowledged in bringing cardinal issues to the forefront with the questions that they pose, and the articles that they author.
Prizes and Awards:
Special Mention: 4000 INR
Best Editor: 12000 INR
Best Photographer: 5000 INR