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All Things Bengali And Nice ! Aquib Beg Will Not Offend You But Only Entertain You! Meet The Star Performer From Offensivitis

Meet  Aquib Begg, an entertainment blogger, standup comedian and a star performer. His motto is to live this one life differently, by observing things from a different aspect and spread happiness wherever he goes. He has co-founded an entertainment based blogging website along with Youtube Production House labelled as the Offensivitis. All young guys and girls, struggling in the rat race to grab the biggest piece of cheese, he will help you not only to get your cheese but  also to make the most delicious pizza from that cheese, because its only about the perspective and its all about life.

 Aquib Begg comedian ofentivits
The super talented Aquib Begg slaying the audience

In conversation with Aquib Begg

How is it like being a stand-up comedian?

Comedy is a serious business, it’s a great experience to make people laugh, but at the same time it requires a lot of patience and learning to become a stand-up comedian. It has made me very patient and has taught me to wait for the results with patience and not to worry too much about the results. I just concentrate on my performance and try to be better at my craft with my every performance.

What made you choose this field? Is there anyone who has influenced you?

I genuinely used to feel happy whenever I used to say something which others reacted to with a laughter. So, I choose to be in a profession where my job is to make others laugh. Well, there are many people who have inspired me in my life, but regarding standup comedy, I would like to thank my comedy channel producer Mr. Raouf Gangjee for understanding the potential within me.

All about west bengal and srk aquib begg comdedy
Aquib Begg -All About West Bengal and SRK

Do you write your own routines or are you a spontaneous on stage performer ?

As I’m a beginner and new in this field, I stick to write my own material, rehearse it a number of times in front of the mirror, in front of friends and open mics as well before I get on stage directly, but there are some instances where I make jokes on the spot and deliver them. It all depends on the situation and how well you can handle the audience and respond on the spot. Some people are really good at being a spontaneous performer while some perfect the entire thing with practice and I’m an amalgamation of both.

Could you mention some of your achievements ?

As a comedian, I am independently operating a branch  of the comedians franchise in my hometown, Midnapore (West Bengal) where I am directly responsible for the upliftment of the comedy scene in the town and I have performed at many large institutes and have shared stage with top comedians. I have appeared on multiple live television panel discussions where I have time and again mentioned what more can be done and ho things can be channelized to bring more talent to the stage and especially in the small towns where there is talent but opportunities are scarce.

What is the difference between trying to write jokes and develop stand up comedy scripts ?

 Mathematically speaking, joke writing is only 10 percent of standup comedy, whereas standup comedy is a vast area which includes the above along with the presentation, voice modulation, expressions and even minute details like posture and how you hold the mic, matters a lot. Thus, joke writing is a small part of Standup comedy. It’s all how you deliver and present yourself on the stage.

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How do you deal with hecklers? Aren’t hecklers helpful for the show?

The technique to deal with hecklers comes from experience, at the beginning I used to ignore them, but working in this field for a couple of years I have gradually learned how to deal with hecklers. The point is you have to be witty while replying to hecklers. Hecklers are sometimes good for the show depending, if they heckle something about the joke that I am presenting. But that completely depends on the type of audience.

What are the secrets in telling everyday jokes in order to get the biggest laugh?

For me, the secret to getting the best laughter is to have a good understanding of the audience as well remain updated with events happening around us. You will find a lot of ridiculous things in the daily newspaper on which you can have your entire set based on.

Aquib Begg at one of his shows

What are the biggest mistakes that comedians make?

The biggest mistake a comedian can make is not testing his material at an open mic or small gigs, cause these are the places where you are freely allowed to bomb. If your jokes get bombed at a paid show then the consequences can harm your career as a comedian.

What struggles have you faced to establish yourself as a stand-up comedian?

I have faced a lot of struggles to establish myself in the comedy field, because in the starting I used to get shows in lesser number and most of them were free performances. Now, also I am struggling to become a full-time comic but the conditions have improved much better than what they were earlier.

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 Is there any message you would like to give to all aspiring young comedians out there?

I would like to say to those people who want to venture into comedy is that whether you take comedy as a career or a hobby, you have to consistent, be consistent in writing new material, be consistent in open mics and obviously don’t give up because you failed at the first few consecutive gigs. Keep up the focus and don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s just life and remember nobody will come out alive !

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