School is over and so are the easy options. All your parents, friends and relatives can talk is what comes next for you now that you’re done with your schooling. This is one mind boggling question for most of the 18 year olds. Whether you topped your class or were a mediocre student academically, your dilemma is one and the same:
What Next?
This question has no definitive answer even though its one which shall decide how our life might plan out in the future. But this is no reason to take stress or feel pressurized to decide everything right now.
This question gets more haunting if you still haven’t found your niche. Having a passion is great for it simplifies your choices. But those who find no answers within their heart, its time to turn to the brain. For when your Intuition can’t decide, Logic must prevail. For that you need to research on your options and shortlist those which you think you can excel at while learning to enjoy it. Also,who knows, in the process you might just find your passion. Mysterious are the ways of luck.

First: ask yourself what kind of knowledge you wish to gain. You want to discover more of your favorite subject from school days or venture into unknown territories. For those who have developed a love for a particular subject say, Chemistry, Accounts, Economics or Political Science; they should look into courses and professions that are related before arriving at a decision. As for ones, who are prepared to learn something new, your work before the decision taking is cut out.Though, there are always shortcuts available such as career counselors, Career Aptitude Tests, psychometric tests, among others.
Also it is important to understand college wont matter, down the line, as much as what you learnt there. So be clear about your priorities.

Second: once you’ve acquired a broad sense of field or subject you wish to venture into, its time to particularize your choice. Its time to look at your limitations: financial, academic eligibility and physical.
Financially, different colleges have separate fee structures and schedules. Most DU and public colleges have nominal fees when compared to some of the famous private college. Understanding the financial limitations is important when deciding on a course and/or college. Some courses such as fashion designing have additional charges for practical training purpose.
Academic eligibility is different for separate courses and colleges. While some may have a Cut off, an entrance, Group discussion and interview, a combination of them, a compulsory subject, or something else.
Physical Limitations include the place of college, possibility of travel, availability of renting/paying guest options in case of outstation and other physical characteristics that are relative to the living conditions and travelling implications connected with particular colleges.
So its better to look at a range of choices and study the limitations of each to further condense your options.
After this step, your choices are finite and thus easier to decide from. If you continue to face confusion, find support and guidance in your parents, teachers and counselors. Since they are people with experience, they can guide you well through tough decisions. It is always good to take a second opinion when taking such impressive decisions.
But the final decision must be yours. Remember that. For only you will have to live with the decision you take now.
All the best, mate!