6 Periods Pain Relief Tips | Period Pain Relief Tablets In India– As a girl, you might suffer from period pain every month at least once. This problem is so common and painful that doctors have given it the medical name “dysmenorrhea”. During periods other than cramps you will have food cravings, irritation, breast pain, and many more which will start before the cycle hits. So now many women want the solution to overcome these period cramps somehow. Let’s dive into some simple and effective steps on how to stop period pain immediately.
What Causes Period Pain?
Before knowing the reasons for period pain, let’s learn about periods, Periods are a normal reproductive cycle that happens in every woman’s life. The purpose of the period is to prepare the uterus for receiving and nourishing a fertilized egg. During periods the uterus is comprised mainly of muscle cells whose primary mode of activity is to contract blood and tissue. Moreover, higher levels of prostaglandins are associated which causes period cramps.

Some other reasons for Period pains:
- You are younger than 30
- Irregular periods
- Heavy bleeding
- Smoke & drink
- Use of birth control
Types of Period Pain
There are two types of period cramps: primary & secondary
- Primary Dysmenorrhea
It is a common kind of period pain. The common cause of primary dysmenorrhea is having too many prostaglandins chemicals that your uterus makes. These chemicals make the muscles of the uterus tighten which causes cramps during the period.
- Secondary Dysmenorrhea
This type of period pain is very rare because it often starts later in life. It is caused by some conditions like endometriosis and uterine fibroids that affect your uterus and you will feel worse pain. It might begin before your period and continue after your period sometimes.
Symptoms of Period Cramps
- Intense lower abdomen pain
- Nausea
- Headaches and dizziness
- Lower & upper back pain
5 Period Pain Relief Tablets In India
We recommend you do before using the below tablets consult with the doctor to verify the information & not to have any side effects for you.
Composition- Tranexamic Acid Mefenamic Acid Tablet
Tranexamic Acid functions by stopping fibrinolysis, a process responsible for blood clot formation.
- Ibuprofen(Advil,Motrin)
Composition- Tricofen, Ibulite, Actimol-F, Artigesic
This tablet is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug(NSAID) that works by blocking the production of prostaglandins.
- Naproxen(Aleve)
Composition- Naprosyn, Artagen, Movibon, Arthopan
Naproxen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), prescribed for pain, inflammation, and stiffness.
- Acetaminophen(Tylenol)
Composition- Temptal, Ultramol, Amidol, Ultragin, Indamol, Crocin
Acetaminophen helps to reduce fever and mild to moderate pain.
- Excedrin PM
Excedrin PM is a combination medication that contains acetaminophen, caffeine, and diphenhydramine. Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine that can help to relieve pain and make you sleepy.
6 Periods Pain Relief Tips
Working out is beneficial- Periods Pain Relief Tips
You must have encountered a gazillion myths that have been circulating about exercise during that time of the month. Some would agree that it is beneficial while others may deny it. Well, it is a good thing to work out a bit during menstruation. It not only keeps you energetic and light-headed all day long but also helps in getting rid of those nerve-blasting cramps and all the uneasiness that we girls face during our period!
It may seem like the last thing you want to do during your period, but when you exercise, it helps relieve the symptoms that make your periods annoying in the first place. Say, when you work out, your body releases a hormone called endorphin which helps reduce stress, cramps, headaches, and the pain associated with periods. Exercises may cause some inconvenience but someone great has said ‘NO PAIN NO GAIN’! Light exercises and a bit of yoga can help you manage your menstruation cycle and will also give you higher pain tolerance. Also, the more active you are and the more you stick to your daily routine, the better it is to cope with your periods.
Wear the right clothes
While working out at that time of the month you should consider wearing dark-colored clothes, in case you do face an accident of some sort, you can wear a shirt tied around your waist. Tight pants and shorts are a big NO-NO! They will pain you down with those tight fittings around your already tight and paining stomach. Try wearing sweatpants, loose T-shirts and sweatshirts…
Increased power
During our menstruation cycle (and a week after that), our estrogen and progesterone hormone levels lower and increase our strength and endurance giving us a chance to push up our workout limits and also help in recovering faster. So, get yourselves ready to pull those weights off!!
A few Workouts to start with
You might wanna ditch your gym but ditching isn’t achieving! Start with some light exercises. Do some light cardio or stretching – have a 30-minute walk (maintaining the difficult level and a constant speed) or run. You can also do power yoga (avoiding the inverted positions as it will hamper the heavy flows). If you don’t feel like exercising at all, you can try out Aerobics and Dancing too. Lose yourself to the beats of the music! If you feel extremely awful, then just have quiet time with your DVDs and popcorn.
Eat healthy! Stay hydrated!
Exercise alone can do no miracles if your diet isn’t healthy. It is very important to have a light and balanced diet during periods to avoid sluggishness and depression. Avoid salty foods, too much sugar, alcohol, and caffeine as well. Have a diet rich in protein, calcium, and iron, and drink loads of water. Add a glass of milk to your diet to relieve pain. Aloe vera juice with honey is also known to ease the flow.
Take some rest and use a Heating Pad
It’s completely fine to take a week off if you are feeling miserable. Listen to your body! Take time off or you can also reduce the intensity of the workout you do. Don’t push yourself too hard on the limits. After all, Exercising out isn’t all about putting yourself through miserable workout sessions. Also, you can use a heating pad over your lower abdominal area. This therapy will help you to reduce the intensity of pain and improve the blood flow.
Have a Happy Period!
So, girls! Here’s everything you need to know about how to stop period pain immediately. Do drop your queries related to your period cramps in the comment section and tell me how you manage to control your period cramps!