
How to Make Disinfectant at Home


Disinfectant or Sanitizer is a very much needed essential these days. There is absolutely no way we cannot live without it now. During the Covid-19 epidemic, we have to have a lot o disinfectant/Sanitizer in stock. In this situation, the demand for the same has increased at a very higher level. It is probably better if we can create it at home, in that way there will be very less use of chemicals. How to Make Disinfectant at Home will help you to stay away from bacteria easily. Also, in this case, it will cheaper than buying from outside and safer as well.

COVID-19 pandemic has made us learn one big fact so clearly, that staying clean all the time can save us from any infectious disease. As easy as it sounds, we must already know that it’s hard to make up a habit all of sudden. Now that it is a part of our life, let’s make it at home The worse scenario is when the products to keep us clean is out of stock. One of the major necessity during this calamity is Disinfectants/sanitizers. So check out how to make Dinfectant at home.

How to Make Hand Sanitizer at Home


Hand sanitizer plays a very major role in our life ow. We can’t go out with o stay at home. It is very important to stay away from infectious virus/bacteria/germs. As hand sanitizer has fixed a permanent place in our home, public places, handbags, pockets etc, here is how to make hand sanitizer at home.

Make the Hand Sanitizer at a very clean space, clean the spot with a diluted bleach solution at first. Clean hands are important, so wash your hands thoroughly, also the spoon and whisk which you need for mixing.

The ingredients need to make this formula are 2 parts isopropyl alcohol or ethanol (91–99 per cent alcohol), 1 part aloe vera gel, and a few drops of clove, eucalyptus, peppermint, or other essential oil. The alcohol you use shouldn’t be a diluted one. Mix and blend the ingredients very well. Do not use or touch it with hands unless it ready to use. Be careful, because a slight variation in proportion can create problems, or make the solution not useful.

For better result, rub your hand sanitizer with both hands until it gets dry. Wash you hands first with soap, if your hands are dirty/greasy, then use the sanitizer.

Fruits and Vegetables – How to Make Disinfectant at Home


It is very important to clean fruits and vegetables thoroughly, before cooking or eating. We have no idea how many people have touched it before it gets in our hands. This is the basic safety measure we need to take at home.

There will be plenty of bacteria on the fruits /vegetables you get from the store. To get rid of it, first, wash it very well with water. Then soak it in salt water for 5 minutes or rinse very well with the same. Saltwater creates an harsh environment for any kind f bacteria/germs.

Micro bacteria stays on the surface for a long time. Take a bowl of water, add one tablespoon of baking soda into it. This is a natural disinfectant. For example, soak an apple in for few seconds, then wash it thoroughly in water with scrubbing.

Cleaning Home – How to Make Disinfectant at Home


Home is anyone the safest place in the world. Make it get rid of bacteria and safer for anyone using the How to Make Disinfectant at Home tips. Door handles are one part of everywhere which can hold a lot of bacteria. Add lemon slices, necessary amount rubbing alcohol and a tablespoon of baking soda into a bowl, then let it sit for some time. Filter the solution into a spraying bottle. Spray it on door handles and wipe it clean.

Mix Cornstarch, warm water, vinegar and rubbing alcohol very well. Add this to a spraying bottle. For clean mirror/Glass, spray it on and wipe. It will be crystal clean and free of bacteria.

Keep a separate box/basket to put the used tissues, near to the tissue box. This way anyone can use the tissue and toss it directly into the bin, with infecting anybody else.

Washrooms – How to Make Disinfectant at Home


There are several easy and natural ways to clean your washrooms and toilets. Add dishwashing liquid, a small cup of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of citric acid. Mix it very well till its like a paste and pour it into the icecube tray. After its dry, use the cubes for cleaning and disinfecting toilets. Put cubes into the toilet and flush off the bacteria.

Add a cup of dried and powdered grapefruit peel, coarse salt and baking soda together, mix it very well. Use this disinfectant to clean your inks or any stains. Add this to the surface, scrub well and wash it off. Add dishwashing liquid and warm vinegar into a spraying bottle. Use this get rid of stains of the floor/surface.

About the author

Fathima Musthafa

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