Tulsi is a sacred plant that grows in India. It’s also known as Holy Basil or Sacred Basil. The leaves of the tulsi plant have been used for centuries to treat a variety of health problems, including respiratory problems and digestive problems. Know more the Health Benefits of Tulsi.
Herbalists believe that the benefits of tulsi can be used to treat stress, depression, asthma, and skin diseases like eczema. Tulsi has also been used to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

It is used in South Asian rituals and ceremonies and is considered sacred to Vishnu. Tulsi has played an important role in Hinduism for centuries. It is mentioned over 100 times in the Rig Veda, the oldest scripture of Hinduism. The plant is believed to have been introduced into India from Sri Lanka by Lord Rama during his 14 years of exile in the forest with his wife Sita.
Nutritional Value of Tulsi
- Vitamin K: 98%
- Manganese: 10%
- Omega-3 fats: 3%
- Copper: 9%
- Vitamin A: 6%
- Vitamin C: 5%
- Calcium: 4%
- Iron: 4%
- Folate: 4%
- Magnesium: 3%
Fun Facts about Tulsi
#1 Tulsi has the power of purifying the atmosphere and acts as a de-polluting agent for the atmosphere.
#2 The juice of Tulsi is sharp, and bitter, and ensures the proper formation of semen.
#3 Tulsi has a salutary effect not only on the body but also on the thoughts, tendencies and inclinations of the mind.
#4 Chewing a few leaves of Tulsi destroys the poisons that are responsible for malaria disease.
#5 The fragrant qualities of Tulsi have been described in detail in almost all scriptures.
Health Benefits of Tulsi
#1 Tulsi Reduces Cold, Cough & Other Respiratory Disorders
The benefits of tulsi help reduce the symptoms of cold and cough by destroying viruses and bacteria that cause these diseases. It also neutralizes toxins in your body, which reduces inflammation and pain. Tulsi can also help prevent asthma attacks by clearing out mucus from your lungs.
#2 Tulsi is Useful in Gastrointestinal Disorders
Tulsi benefits are used to treat gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). These conditions occur when there are problems with the digestive system or the nerves that control it. Tulsi help ease these symptoms by improving digestion and increasing nutrient absorption. By doing this, they help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and make it easier to eliminate waste from your body through bowel movements
#3 Tulsi is Good for Diabetes Patients
Having constantly high cholesterol levels can put diabetics at risk, ultimately leading to strokes. Tulsi can reduce this risk. Tulsi increases the uptake of glucose by muscle cells. Approximately 3 grams of dried leaf powder can be used daily on an empty stomach.
#4 Tulsi has Anti-cancer Properties
The benefits of tulsi have anti-cancer properties. It has been found to have strong anti-tumor effects on human cancer cells in lab tests. Tulsi also acts as an antioxidant and helps fight free radicals that cause oxidative damage to cells.
#5 Tulsi Promotes Blood Circulation
The benefits of tulsi have been shown to help improve blood circulation in your body by increasing the number of capillaries that carry oxygen throughout your body. This helps improve overall health by reducing inflammation caused by free radicals within your body that cause damage to cells and tissues within your body including your heart muscle cells (myocardial cells).
#6 Tulsi Acts as an Insect Repellent
In India, tulsi benefits are used extensively to keep away insects from your garden or home because of its strong insect-repellent properties. When mixed with water, tulsi can be sprayed on plants to keep away pesky flying.
#7 Tulsi is a Natural Immunity Booster
Tulsi benefits have been used for centuries to boost your immunity against colds and flu. It has been found that consuming tulsi leaves can help maintain your immune system’s strength and strengthen its working capacity. Tulsi helps fight against infections caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi by increasing the production of white blood cells in your body.
#8 Tulsi Cures Insect Bites & Blood Purification
Insect bites and scratches often result in painful rashes, welts, and itching. Tulsi leaves benefits can help soothe wounds caused by insects or help prevent them from happening in the first place. You can apply tulsi paste directly on the affected area for faster healing results or you can make a Tulsi-infused oil.
#9 Tulsi is Good for Skin & Hair
According to many traditions, tulsi may help improve acne, reduce skin inflammation, and increase the speed of hair growth. In fact, it’s been a tried-and-true skin and hair care regimen for centuries.
#10 Tulsi is Useful in Kidney stones & Gouty Arthritis
Kidney stones are caused by the minerals uric acid and oxalate building up in the body due to high levels of calcium in the urine. These minerals stick together forming crystals that make it difficult for the kidneys to clear out the waste products from our body. This leads to inflammation in the joints causing pain and swelling (arthritis). Tulsi leaves benefits have been found effective in reducing pain due to arthritis by reducing inflammation in the joints which may cause spasms or cramps.
#11 Tulsi Reduces Stress & Fatigue
Tulsi leaves benefits reduce stress and fatigue by stimulating your adrenal glands to produce more cortisol, which helps you fight against fatigue. It also helps increase your energy levels by increasing blood sugar levels which makes you feel energetic.
#12 Tulsi Is Good For Digestion & Liver Health
The aroma of tulsi is thought to have a soothing effect on the digestive system, helping relieve gas pain and bloating if taken before meals or between meals (such as after dinner). It is also thought to stimulate bile production in the liver, which helps detoxify the body’s fluids
Tulsi is one of the most popular Indian herbs. It is native to India but has been used by many cultures worldwide for centuries.
#13 Tulsi is Good for Oral and Dental Health
Tulsi is considered an excellent herb for oral health because it can be used to treat gum disease, toothaches, sore throats and mouth sores due to injury or inflammation. It also helps with bad breath caused by garlic or other spices that are often found in Indian recipes such as vindaloo sauce (a spicy stew).
#14 Tulsi is Good for Heart Health
Tulsi affects the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases by suppressing ischemia and stroke, lowering blood lipid content, reducing hypertension and also due to its higher antioxidant properties.
#15 Tulsi Reduces Blood Pressure
In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, tulsi is believed to help lower blood pressure and stress levels. It has also been shown to reduce anxiety and depression in people who suffer from these conditions.
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