You’ve heard of all those rumors which say chocolate reduces health risks, prevents cardiovascular diseases. Though most studies are highly correlative in nature, the science of it yet to be understood completely.
Bitter to sweet
Guess how old your is cadbury! 1868!! Yes! THAT old. Nearly same age, Nestle. 1500’s were the era of chocolate. Bitter. eewwwh! It was taken in nearly all forms. Drinks. Pastes. Bars. With the incoming of machines in 1700’s, people started experimenting with different ways of making chocolates. It took more than hundred years to reduce it’s bitterness. And 100 more to make it Silk.

Science of chocolate
Roasting. Ahmm… If you’ve ever been to a place where chocolates are roasted..Or you’ve done that yourself, you’ll recognise that sound. Ahmm… It takes over you. Smoothly.
Conching makes chocolates. Remember the smooth Silk texture? That is achieved by this process. In simple words, it is mulling of cocoa powder. Adding some sweetener and varying cocoa contents. That gives you varities in chocolates.
Interesting… hmm?
To test how fast bad science gets to news, John Bohannon, needed a topic which could be viral. What else can be better than a rumor about chocolate.. backed by some ‘bad’ science? As it turns out, many national dailies and international covered the ‘false publication’ – even some health magazines. Tricky! Chocolates surely do not help you for weight loss.

Not all cards are Ace
Now that you’ve dreamt your dream – chocolates… Let’s consider one more aspect of it. During production of chocolate.. to keep the costs low, many people have to do slave labor. Mainly – children – at Ivory Coast of Africa. Where do they come from? Though I don’t have ‘data’ with me. So, I quote ‘12000’ (2009) from Wikipedia. That is 4 children every 3 hours – that is scary. So, remember, for every chocolate you eat, someone is working hard, beyond human limits, or maybe, illegally.
@author: Abhishek Tripathi
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