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Best Indian Dog Breeds for Homes 2025 | Price Range

best dog breeds in india
Best indian dog breeds

Best Indian dog breeds: The decision to add a pet member to your family is more fortunate for you because pets are the most affectionate partners in your life. Nowadays in 80% of Indian families, the tradition of pet dogs is so much trendy. Dogs are benevolent and that’s why humans love to add dogs as family members. One more concern of the people is to choose the best dog breeds in India because they want to adopt the best pet dog for home and that’s why they are looking to explore the extensive range of dog breeds in one place.

For finding the best Indian dog breeds, you land on the right page because we are going to explain the most in-demand dog breeds in India. Your best friend, your dog must be familiar and loving and look like you as per your expectations. In the extensive range of dog breeds you must choose the right one for you and here is the list of the best Indian dog breeds which are perfect for Indian Homes.

10 Best Indian Dog Breeds for Home:

  1. Beagles
  2. Pug
  3. German Shepherd
  4. Boxer
  5. Great Dane
  6. Dachshund
  7. Cocker Spaniel
  8. Golden Retrievers
  9. Labrador
  10. Rottweiler 
  11. Mudhol Hound

1) Beagles:

Beagle | Indian dog breeds

Within a year, a beagle can be trained easily because this kind of Dog breed understands and catches things fast. Beagles are ranked in the 1st position in the list of dog breeds because they are not only smart but also friendly. These dogs are generally small and gentle in behavior. If you don’t like angry dogs, then beagles are the right choice for you. Beagles are one of the best among the small dog breeds in India.

Things to Know About Beagles:

  • Life Expectancy: 12 to 15 Years
  • Size: Small to Medium
  • Colours: White, Brown, and Tricolour
  • Group: Hound
  • Height: 13 to 16 Inches
  • Behavior: Friendly, Gentle

Price Range: Rs.13000 to Rs.38000 

2) Pug:

Pug | small dog breeds in india

Are you looking for a dog who plays with your kids? If yes, then you should go for the option of Pug because these dogs are small and friendly. In the busy metro life, where people live in small apartments adopting a big size dog is not a good idea. Thus, if it is also your situation then you can choose Pug for your small home. A breed that enjoys playing too much is the Pug.


Things to Know About Pug:

  • Life Expectancy: 11 to 14 Years
  • Size: Small
  • Colours: Silver, Fawn, Black, Fawn, and Apricot
  • Group: Toy Breed
  • Height: 11 to 12 Inches
  • Behavior: Home Friendly

Price Range: Rs.4000 to Rs.25000


3) German Shepherd:

German-Shepherd | indian dog breeds

A daring and fearless breed in the range is a German Shepherd. Various countenances are part of these dogs because they are friendly and gusty as well. If you are thinking of adopting a dog for the family and home safety, then a German Shepherd will be the first choice for you. Due to their adventurous physical activities, these dogs are known as the topmost active dogs.

Things to Know About German Shepherds:

  • Life Expectancy: 9 to 13 Years
  • Size: Medium to Large
  • Colours: Brown, Red and Black, Sable, Grey
  • Group: Working Group
  • Height: 22 to 26 Inches
  • Behavior: Brave, loyal

Price Range: Rs.14000 to Rs.23000


4) Boxer:

Boxer | indian dog

When you are looking for sufficient energy dogs who are more active and more powerful, then don’t miss the Boxer breed. This breed counts as the top Indian dog breeds. Boxer looks like a powerful and pretty active dog. This breed size may be large but the patience of boxer-breed dogs is very high.

Things to Know About Boxer:

  • Life Expectancy: 9 to 13 Years
  • Size: Medium to Large
  • Colours: Brown, Red and Black, Sable, Grey
  • Group: Working Group
  • Height: 22 to 26 Inches
  • Behavior: Loyal, Fearless, Attentive 

Price Range: Rs.16000 to Rs.45000


5) Great Dane:

Dog Breeds in India Great Dane

When we talk about the Best Indian Dog Breeds, then we can’t forget the name of the Great Dane because these dogs are known as the “Apollo of Dogs”. A guard dog is the preference of many Indian families because they are looking for a strong dog who works as the guard of the home. The fact is these dogs are so smart and obedient. In appearance, these dogs do not look too many kids friendly but in reality, these dogs are so much more friendly.

Things to Know About Great Dane:

  • Life Expectancy: 10 to 12 Years
  • Size: Medium to Large
  • Colours: Brown & Black
  • Group: Working Group
  • Height: 30 to 32 Inches
  • Behavior: Reserved, Friendly

Price Range: Rs.10000 to Rs.40000

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6) Dachshund:

Dachshund | small dog breeds in india

The best dog breeds in India checklist still has not ended and we reached the 6th position of this list and that is Dachshund. These dogs are ideal for households due to their small size and long tail. Life expectancy is also high for Dachshund dogs and that is around 16 years. This dog comes under the small dog breeds in India.

Things to Know About Dachshund:

  • Life Expectancy: 12 to 16 Years
  • Size: Small
  • Colours: Brown & Black
  • Group: Hound
  • Height: 13 to 16 Inches
  • Behavior: Lively, Clever

Price Range: Rs.6000 to Rs.14000

7) Cocker Spaniel:

Cocker Spaniel | indian dog breeds

Cocker Spaniel is a small and medium-sized dog. Eyes are the main eye-catching feature of these dogs and they look like dark almonds. Puppies of Cocker Spaniel Breeds look too cute and they can easily fit in small homes as well.

Things to Know About Cocker Spaniel:

  • Life Expectancy: 10 to 14 Years
  • Size: Small to Medium
  • Colours: Black, Tan Lines, Merle, Party-Colour,
  • Group: Sporting Group
  • Height: 13 to 16 Inches
  • Behavior: Lively, Cute

Price Range: Rs.18000 to Rs.35000

8) Golden Retrievers:

Golden Retrievers | best indian dog breeds for home

You are reading this blog because you are looking for the Best Dog breeds in India for your home. Adding a dog to your family means you are going to complete your family with the most loyal and lovely member. The breed of Golden Retrievers is also very popular in India because these dogs are so loving, active in playing activities, and obedient as well. Training goals can easily be accomplished for these dogs.

Things to Know About Golden Retrievers:

  • Life Expectancy: 12 to 15 Years
  • Size: Medium
  • Colours: Creamy, Rich Golden Colour
  • Group: Sporting Group
  • Height: 21 to 24 Inches
  • Behavior: Reliable, Intelligent

Price Range: Rs.15000 to Rs.28000

9) Labrador:

Labrador | best indian dog breeds

In the list of Best Indian dog breeds, we can’t skip the name Labrador because this breed is one of the oldest dog breeds in India. A highly active dog and found in 40% of homes in India as the home pet is a Labrador. Labrador is the best Indian dog breed and these dogs are also very active and work as the guard in the house.

Things to Know About Labrador:

  • Life Expectancy: 10 to 12 Years
  • Size: Medium to Large
  • Colours: Black, Cream, White, Brown
  • Group: Sporting Group
  • Height: 22 to 24 Inches
  • Behavior: Friendly, Active

Price Range: Rs.10000 to Rs.20000

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10) Rottweiler:

rottweiler | dog breeds in india

Rottweiler Breed dogs are one of the Best Guard Dogs. They are working as the protector and guards of your home. These dogs are loving nature and can become good partners for your children in playing activities. When you want to adopt a pet that has a good amount of hair then Rottweiler is the right choice for you.

Things to Know About Rottweiler:

  • Life Expectancy: 8 to 10 Years
  • Size: Medium to Large
  • Colours: Black, Brown, Tan Brown
  • Group: Working
  • Height: 20 to 26 Inches
  • Behavior: Sharp, Little aggressive 

Price Range: Rs.15000 to Rs.30000

11)  Mudhol Hound: Best Indian Dog Breed

Mudhol hound | famous indian dog breed

Mudhol hound is the most famous Indian dog breed , this breed particularly belongs to the Mudhol region in the state of Karnataka. Mudhol dogs are popular for their agility, speed, and endurance. They have slender yet strong bodies in old times these dogs were mostly used for hunting and now they are being used as guard dogs.

Things to Know About Mudhol Hound:

  • Life Expectancy: 10 to 15 Years
  • Size: Medium to large
  • Colours: White, Brown, and black
  • Group: Hound
  • Height: 25 to 32 Inches
  • Behavior: Attentive, Brave

Price Range: Rs.8000 to Rs.28000


1. Which dog is best for home?

Labrador & Golden Retrievers are the most preferred dogs for home.

2. Best Small dog breeds in India?

Beagle is one of the best small dog breeds in India.

3. Which dog has the longest lifespan?
Australian cattle dog has the longest lifespan. The dog named Bluey belonged to the Australian cattle dog breed said to have lived 29 years in the 1930s.
4. Which dog has more hair?
Afghan Hound breed dog has the most hairs.
5. Which is the best guard dog in India?
Mudhol hound is the best guard dog in India. This breed’s origin is India only so it lives well in Indian weather. 
6. Which dog is most aggressive? 
Pit Bulls are the most aggressive, and many incidents are recorded where the pit bull is seen harming humans.


As we know Dogs are the most loyal animals on Earth. There are different Dog breeds available in the world. What kind of Dog breeds we should keep at home and which are easy to train? These questions are always in our minds. Therefore, We have listed the top 10 Dog Breeds in India and they can be easily trained.

About the author

Rishav Jain

Rishav is a Digital marketer and blogger who has been publishing extensively on entertainment, food, and shopping topics, with a focus on Online shopping deals and product reviews.

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