
15 Best Benefits Of Anjeer Fruit | Nutrients & Side Effects

benefits of anjeer fruit

Benefits of Anjeer Fruit: It is a member of the Mulberry group and comes from the same species. A delightful dry fruit with a luscious surface and crunchy nuts in its centre, resulting in a one-of-a-kind snack. When dried, it tastes finest when the seeds are crunchy. It is consumed and dried throughout the world. It is more than simply a delicious and crispy fruit, it has been utilised for countless years to provide health advantages. It is reasonably priced in India and can be purchased both online and in-store. It also goes by the name Fig. It has become one of the most recognised “exotic” fruits, adored globally for its culinary and medicinal properties.


It is considered one of the ancient fruits that people have farmed. The Holy Bible also mentions this fruit. You might be shocked to discover that the initial proof of it comes from the Neolithic period. The Greeks regarded fig fruit to be such a valuable treasure that it could not be transported and was only offered to contest champions.

anjeer benefits

Table of Contents: Benefits of Anjeer Fruit

  1. Helps in Digestion
  2. Aids in Maintaining Sugar Levels
  3. Improves Kidney Health
  4. Strengthens Bones
  5. Removes Impurities from Skin
  6. Helps in Controlling Hair Fall
  7. Healthy Fat for Weight Gain
  8. Boosts Sleep
  9. Relieves Constipation
  10. Promotes Eye Health
  11. Contains Anti-Aging Properties
  12. Beneficial for Anemia
  13. Remedy for Cold
  14. Effective Natural Antibiotic
  15. Contains High-Fibre Sustenance

Nutritional Elements in Anjeer Fruit:

Nutrients Dried Anjeer Raw Anjeer
Lutein and zeaxanthin 32 mcg 9 mcg
Calories 249 kcal 74 kcal
Protein 3.3 g 0.75 g
Lipids 0.93 g 0.3 g
Dietary fibre 9.8 g 2.9 g
Calcium 162 mg 35 mg
Iron 2.03 mg 0.37 mg
Sugar 47.92 g 16.26 g
Magnesium 68 mg 17 mg
Folate 9 mcg 6 mcg
Phosphorus 67 mg 14 mg
Potassium 680 mg 232 mg
Vitamin K 15.6 mcg 4.7 mcg
Choline 15.8 mg 4.7 mg
Vitamin A 0 mcg 7 mcg
Vitamin C 1.2 mg 2 mg
Beta-carotene 6 mcg 85 mcg

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Top 15 Benefits of Anjeer Fruit:

1. Helps in Digestion:

Its nutritional properties contribute to it being a great dietary addition, as it provides maternity advantages. This fruit contains vitamin B, which may aid with early pregnancies and morning discomfort. It can also aid women with stomach issues during pregnancy.

2. Aids in Maintaining Sugar Levels:

Another benefit of Anjeer is that it is considered beneficial to diabetics. Based on the findings, it has an impact on sugar levels. It increases the impact of adrenaline and removes excess sugar from the blood, which benefits diabetes management.


3. Improves Kidney Health:

Anjeer helps wash out excess impurities from your system by increasing your urination, which is beneficial to kidney function. They are recognised for their mineral content, which aids in improving kidney performance.

4. Strengthens Bones:

Furthermore, its calcium resources protect maternal bones while continuously encouraging the growth of the baby. Throughout pregnancy, it benefits both the mom and the child.


5. Removes Impurities from Skin:

Figs are a rich provider of organic antioxidants and minerals for your skin. It reduces damage caused by free radicals while improving the softness and freshness of your skin. It has been claimed that applying fig latex to eliminate moles is equally efficient as cryogenic treatment.

6. Helps in Controlling Hair Fall:

They nourish your hair in the same manner as they benefit your skin. Because it contains a lot of vitamins, it helps to keep your hair healthy and shiny, prevents ageing, and reduces too much hair fall.


7. Healthy Fat for Weight Gain:

It provides plenty of healthy fat, which might help you gain weight. It should be included in your eating regimen if you desire to put on weight. For example, eating two or three dried-out figs each day might be beneficial for weight gain.


8. Boosts Sleep:

Based on the research, one of the major benefits of Anjeer is it boosts the body’s production of the chemical that cures darkness, which helps control sleep-wake cycles and lowers restlessness. Additionally, it boosts serotonin levels in the nervous system. Also, an enjoyable chemical helps you rest more easily by relieving anxiety and nervousness.

9. Relieves Constipation:

The fibre enhances the meals in the digestive tract and cushions the stools, making them simpler to go through. It also improves intestinal consistency, which is one of the most prominent causes of constipation. It has plenty of nutritional fibre, which aids with constipation.

10. Promotes Eye Health:

They are rich in vitamins which help to maintain eyesight and avoid blindness. In addition, it is believed to reduce the risk of chronic eye illnesses.

11. Contains Anti-Aging Properties:

It aids in counteracting damage caused by free radicals and halts the process of ageing. As an organic antioxidant, it helps avoid age-associated organ problems while also reducing premature ageing signs like wrinkles and dark circles.

12. Beneficial for Anemia:

They are high in iron and advantageous to anemics. Daily intake of figs is believed to assist in avoiding iron disease anaemia by increasing the quantity of haemoglobin and red blood cells in the human body.

13. Remedy for Cold:

Its juice has long been used as a powerful cold and flu remedy. It not only helps to eliminate congestion from the lungs and breathing passages, but it also fortifies the throat’s muscles, preventing the issue from recurring.

14. Effective Natural Antibiotic:

Scientific studies have shown that preparations of fig leaves have a significant medication impact. Furthermore, its effect outlasts most market antibiotics by more than 5 hours.

15. Contains High-Fibre Sustenance:

Figs are full of fibre and relatively low in fat, so they keep you nourished for longer without increasing your overall calorie consumption.

Side Effects of Consuming Excessive Anjeer Fruit:

  • Because of its high-fibre material, it may result in diarrhoea if consumed in excess.
  • It may trigger adverse responses in persons who are sensitive to rubber latex or birch pollen.
  • It has an abundance of vitamin K. Individuals on medications that thin blood should consider their doctor before integrating it into their dietary regimen.
  • Putting its leaves on the skin may make it more sensitive to sunlight.
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They are like a locked room full of components that help our bodies work properly. Anjeer fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals and can be consumed either dry or fresh, according to availability. While figs have a powerful natural flavour, dried anjeer is a straightforward, nutritious meal that may be eaten at any time. If you are not sensitive to them, you may integrate them into your regular meals, however, keep it to two or three at one time.

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About the author

Naveen Reddy

Naveen Reddy, our digital marketing expert, brings valuable experience to our team. He loves publishing interesting blogs and web stories on a range of topics like product suggestions, shopping, cashback & coupons, fashion, travel, and many more.

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