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Facts About Pitbull Dogs & Price in India – June 2024

Facts About Pitbull Dogs _ Price in India

We all know about the popularity of Pitbull dogs among the dog lovers. This blog helps you to determine the answer to various things about these dogs such as Pitbull dog prices, reviews, breeds, types and facts. Thus, if you are interested to adopt this dog breed for your home, then you must check the above review on Pitbull dogs. There is a special time which is known as National Pit Bull Awareness Month. 

If you are thinking to make a Pitbull dog as the pet dog for your home, then firstly, you need to check the Pitbull dog’s review or facts about this breed to clear your doubt. Name of Pitbull dogs is the most popular dog breed in India and in the United States as well.

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Pitbull Dog Price in India:

best pitbull dogs

The price of Pit Bull Dogs in India depends on the dog breed. The average price of a Pitbull dog in India starts from Rs 9000 to Rs 80,000. It is the most searched dog breed in the country and people are crazy about this dog. 

Unknown Facts About Pitbull Dogs: 

1). Pit Bull Dogs – Is This Official Bread?

The first question which came to our mind is about the breed type and more information on Pit Bull Dogs. Do these dogs come in the category of official breed? Pitbull is not the official bread because it is a mixture of three different breeds such as Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, and American Pit Bull Terrier.

2). Old Name of Pitbull Dogs:

types of pitbull dogs

Do you know “what people called Pitbull dogs in the olden times”? If you don’t know the answer to this question then we must tell you one thing earlier, these dogs were known as the “Nanny Dogs”. It sounds quite interesting because it is the unknown fact about Pitbull dogs. 

3). Pitbull Dogs Are Too Friendly:

price of pitbull dogs in India

We all think that Pitbull dogs are guard dogs or the breed of guard dogs but the reality is something different. Here you need to understand the fact that Pitbull dogs are too friendly. 

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4). Pitbull Dogs Don’t Have Locking Jaws:

types of pitbull dogs in India

Maybe you are thinking that these dogs have locking jaws. Is this true? Yes, it is true and it is only the myth that these dogs have locking Jaws. 

5). Bite of Pitbull Dogs is Strong – Reality or Myth?

Best Pitbull dogs

Which breed of dog has the strongest bite among all dog breeds? If you think that the answer to this question is Pitbull dogs, then you are wrong because these dogs don’t have the strongest bite among all the dogs and it is a myth about these dogs. German Shepherds and Rottweilers are the two popular breeds that have the strongest bites. 

6). Pit Bull Dogs Are the Second Most Tolerant Breed:

pitbull dog photos

Pitbull dogs are not friendly.

They are very aggressive!

All these are the shit myths and you should avoid these myths about this breed.

According to a recent report, the Pit Bull dog is the second most tolerant breed behind Golden Retrievers. Chihuahua secures the last position in this list. 

7). Pitbulls Have Wrinkled on Foreheads:

If you want to identify the original Pitbull puppy, then you can explore the wrinkled on the foreheads of these dogs. Once, these dogs get older then the forehead will become smoother. 

8). Known As Most Affectionate Pet Dogs in the World:

Due to their loving and friendly behaviour, Pitbulls are the most affectionate dogs in the world. It is not an unproven fact but this fact is proved by professional trainers in the world and Pitbull dogs are the second most affectionate dog-based category. 

9). Pitbulls Can Train Easily:

Dog training is a challenging fact for dog owners. They always think to train their dogs with the best trainer. Some dogs are difficult to train but when we talk about Pitbull dogs then we can say that these dogs are easy to train because they are too friendly and sharp-minded. 

10). Not Every Mix Breed is Pitbull:

As a responsible person, you must buy Pitbull dogs in India only from certified breeders because not all mix breeds are Pitbull breeds. If the breed is not appropriate then the wrong breed can also attack its owners or other people. You can also check the Pitbull Dog Price in Delhi or any other city at the nearby dog store. 

11). Adopt Pitbull From a Dog Shelter:

There are some dog shelters as well, from where you can adopt the Pitbull Dog Breeds. Why you should do this? If you buy these dogs from other sources, then it may quite expensive for your budget. 

The Bottom Line: 

There are different colours and mixed colours you can find in the range of Pitbull Dog Breeds in India such as Pitbull Dog Black and Pitbull Dog White. Both are popular colors. American Pitbull Dog is the most popular breed in India and you can also find this breed at the certified dog breed seller. Before buying the American Pitbull Dog, you must check the Pitbull Dog Photos and then select the Pitbull Dog Muscular. 


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About the author


I am a commerce post-graduate but passionate and have a keen interest in writing and blogging. I am working in the writing industry since 2017 and hope the journey will go loner.

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