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5 Things To Do Keep Yourself Fit During Lockdown.

If you were already fit and had hobbies like cycling, running or going to the gym, the transition to lockdown life may not be as difficult as you think. If you are keen to adopt the healthiest lifestyle you can in these strange, unique times, you will certainly feel the benefit. Better sleep, better mindset and breaking up the day are all huge rewards gained by keeping fit.

Here are my top 5 tips on staying active during lockdown.

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Want to exercise but don’t have much time in between online lessons? Look no further than social media. Instagram is currently awash with #HomeWorkouts. From our favourite sporting stars to personal trainers, there are so many to choose from. They’re mainly short, sharp workouts and, looking at the hashtag, cater for a huge variety of fitness levels: from entry all the way up to hard cardio workouts.

No dumbbells? No worries. Tins of beans, loo roll (who has that spare?), and other household items all feature as equipment alternatives. Get scrolling!


Kill 2 birds with 1 stone and get cleaning! Having to stay in so much, you’ll feel so much better in nice, clean surroundings.

If you’re stuck at home, there are ways you can stay active and continue your workout routine – and some of these require very little or no equipment. If you are lucky enough to own an exercise bike or treadmill, then you will already be accustomed to this in-house way of keeping fit. But if these are not possible then any activity that raises the heart rate is good for cardiovascular health.

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Cleaning the windows? 150 calories in 30 minutes.

Gardening? Up to 200 calories for 30 minutes.

Cleaning the whole flat can be the equivalent of a 5-mile run!

Try walking briskly around the house or up and down the stairs. And stand or walk around when you’re on the phone, rather than sitting down. Dancing is also a great way to keep active, especially with children, so putting on some music for ten to 15 minutes, two or three times each day can really contribute to the daily exercise quota.

3 – Happy inside, Happy outside

If you’re always been a fan of open air workouts. Find a place in your house, your building compound or terrace where you can exercise. Use equipment which is handy and easily available like skipping ropes. Make a family member your workout buddy to make it less boring. It’s great fun to have your child/ partner being a part of your workout routine.

4 – GET APP- Freeletics

In these thoroughly modern times, of course there is an app for it. There are so many to choose from that will keep you inspired and healthy. Something as simple as the app Freeletics– which has no-frill, spartan, almost blunt in its effectiveness. Based on your level of fitness, it creates a weekly plan with varied and articulated daily sessions – usually around 40 minutes each. Each movement is shown in a handy video clip, and each exercise features a timer that lets you know when you have to proceed to the next series. There is no trainer persona – only a raspy, no-nonsense voice counting down before you start – but that is absolutely on-brand

5 – Step-ups

Things you can use for this: a step, a low bench, a toddler’s chair – anything that won’t move and can comfortably take your weight. Stand in front, step up with one foot, bring the other up, stand up on the step. Step backwards using the same leg. Repeat on the other side. So basically it’s a constant up-and-down but each time you are alternating your ‘lead’ foot. Try to keep your back nice and straight again and your core braced. Do as many reps as you can until you feel like your form is starting to go a bit. Maybe keep a count of how many that is, and aim for a few more next time.


Stay active, Stay safe and Take care.

About the author

Ishita Singh

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